About Whatbot
Whatbot began back in 2017 and since then it has continuously developed and worked to be one of the best bots within the community by far with it’s remarkable success. Whatbot’s retail price is $30 a month however aside from the success of the bot it is known for two things. Firstly, it has adopted the monthly payment model which is very rare at the moment and secondly it is an invite only type of bot. Meaning that you can only join the bot and have an opportunity to purchase the bot through members in the slack having a chance to invite someone or Whatbot themselves inviting you through a variety of methods they utilise. In terms of where you can acquire an invite, all information regarding that as well as opportunities to get an invite is covered on their twitter (@whatbotisthis). Given it is a process of choosing people there isn't a FCFS manner to acquiring a copy however due to its success there is always a plethora of entries making it hard to be selected.
Whatbot is a consistent bot that does often have extremely good success on footsites. Another element to something that makes Whatbot stand out is its inability to be resold on the bot after market. Their reasoning for this is because they believe $30 a month is an accurate evaluation of what they provide, so with allowing people to resell the product it is giving the consumer an idea that the bot should deliver price x value. The team at Whatbot are constantly adapting to all the changes that are implemented on the supported sites allowing it to bring a large amount of success securing its spot as one of the bests on the market at the moment.
Whatbot is considered an AIO (all-in-one) bot because of the many sites it supports. Whatbot currently supports:
- Shopify
- Footsites
- Many individual sites
Whatbot Video Overview
Whatbot Features
Whatbot is a unique bot as we have established however, it does not only stand out with its business model but also with the bots features too. Whatbot gives the user the ability to create task groups and in addition to this configure the scrapers that will be paired with the group. They also have a proxy section to incorporate proxies into the tasks, a general shopify page to customize various settings, and actually once you have created a task group within the bot you are greeted with an advanced task configuration UI that truly allows the user to truly take control of their tasks.
Task Group Window
Whatbot Task Grouping
On this page you can configure a task group dedicated towards a certain site so segregation of tasks from different websites on the task viewing page is built into the bot by its nature. On this page you can add a name to your group so you can distinguish the group from others that you create as well as choose a site you want to target your tasks at. Once you do the following you can then configure your scrapers in accordance to what website you are botting within that group.
Task Viewing Window
Whatbot Task Viewing
On this page you can view, create and configure tasks that will reside within your created task group. Touching on what I mentioned earlier, Whatbot has one of the most unique task creation processes on the market due to the amount of configuration available to the user. You can see all the created groups on the left of the page with its name distinguishing them apart from one another. Then you can configure the keywords/early link for the task as well as configuring negative keywords so avoid any products that are similarly named.
Then we have a complete date and time configuration section which allows the user to schedule the tasks on a large scale. We then have the headstart option, pricing settings and mode configuration all within the task creator at the top. Once we are happy with our task settings and we create them, there are further settings to customize on the actual task itself which contributes to the idea of the user taking full control of their tasks like I mentioned earlier.
Billing Window
Whatbot Billing
This page contains all the billing profiles that you create within Whatbot and it also allows you to create billing profiles using the blue addition button at the top right. Once you create a billing profile to use in association with your tasks, it is shown in an easy to understand manner on this page. Your billing profile name appears at the top of the box with the name at the bottom left and the last 4 digits of the card within the profile on the bottom right. This is to allow users to better differentiate their tasks to ensure there is no confusion present.
Preferences Window
Whatbot Preferences
On this page the user can customize their preferences for their tasks. The first page is only in reference to Shopify related tasks giving you a range of things to configure however the second is where the user can put in their proxies for the shopify scraper or proxies for tasks use.
Whatbot offers a wide range of support to all their users as well as users outside of their user base. They have a FAQ that answers a lot of questions a newcomer may have regarding their company and it gives a better understanding of their perspective regarding their business. In terms of what support their user base gets, Whatbot resides on Slack which is a platform similar to discord. This again, is one of the many reasons why Whatbot is different to other bots as not many of them reside on Slack. Within their Slack server they have a dedicated support channel to answer users' questions and due to the nature of Slack the support team can open up threads below your messages so you have a one on one conversation with them. They also have a successful setups channel for the users to showcase their setups to other users to help them better understand what they could improve on.
Where does Whatbot rank among other AIO bots?
Whatbot is by far one of the best bots currently on the market, they have a ton of success when it comes to footsites bringing in a ton of success from a wide majority of their user base. Their team adapts well to site changes and push out multiple updates during a release sometimes to ensure users have the best chance of doing well on a release. Touching on resell value, due to the bot not having the ability to be resold it is quite unknown as to what the bot could be valued at however, the success of the bot is quite remarkable so one can only imagine what it would be valued at.
Supported Sites: Shopify, Footsites & individual sites
Platforms: Windows, Mac
Retail: $30 / month
All-In-One Bots
Sneaker Bot Rentals
Residential Proxies
Reselling Groups

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