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The Top Retail Store Bots

Cop Supply has some very solid options when it comes to botting retail store bots. Due to pandemic that hit in early 2020, items from retail stores have became a lot more desirable. Going from cards to gaming consoles, the shortage of supply globally have lead to a lot of retail store bots being created and entering the botting scene. We have collected some of the retail store bots on the market at the moment and listed them on this article below. In some cases you can get access to these bots right now.


Estock has become very popular in the sneaker botting market for the vast amount of success it has had on its supported sites, with the introduction of their new 1.0 update, a lot of eyes are on this bot at the moment. With over 54,000 followers on Twitter, it's popularity has grown quite a lot and the after market value of the bot also reflects this too. You can view their Twitter profile here and when they do restock, they tend to sell out very quickly. Estock has a very good looking user interface, paired with its major success on its supported sites, it is a very good bot to use. You can view an overview of your activity within the bot as well as add accounts that can be utilized with your tasks. You can also utilize a variety of captcha solving services in the settings page as well. This would be a very good bot to use to secure items from retail stores. You can contact us to purchase eStock as well at the link below.

Check out our video overview of eStock

Retail: $250 + $35 a month thereafter // Contact us here to buy a copy of eStock
Website: eStock



EVEAIO was created in 2017 and since then the team behind the bot has worked to make the bot consistent in its success as well as adapting to the site changes within all their supported sites. They consistently have a good amount of success on releases paired with a lot of configuration being made available to the users of EVEAIO. It is currently priced at $300 as a one time fee and then $35 a month thereafter. It is a very solid bot to have in your bot arsenal, it currently supports Supreme,  Shopify, Footistes & many individual sites. So with this price tag you are getting a bot that is working across a ton of major sites, therefore, if you wanted to expand past Shopify, then you have the option to with the bot. You will definitely have a very good chance at being successful on all types of drops when using EVE AIO.

Check out our video overview of EVE AIO X

Pricing: $300 as a one time fee followerd by $35 a month thereafter
Website: EVE AIO X – $25 Off With Code “COPSUPPLY”



StellarAIO has gained a lot of popularity during the boom in reselling computer hardware after acquiring them from websites that frequently restocks. They tend to restock on their Twitter page (@stellara_io) and when they do they sell out very quickly. They have named themselves the the top tier bot in retail automation, with their success recently that claim is definitely viable. StellarAIO has a very solid looking UI paired with the customization features you have within the bot and the success, this is a very good to have in your bot arsenal. They have a dashboard page top show some statistics based on your activity within the bot and they also have some customization settings available to the users of the bot. This is definitely a good bot to pick up if you're wanting to be successful on a variety of retail stores.

Pricing: $300 initially then $30 a month thereafter

Check out our video overview of StellarAIO

Website: StellarAIO



LexAIO makes acquiring the most limited items easy. LexAIO claims to be leading automatic checkout software in retail shopping. Established in November of 2020, LexAIO has helped users purchase millions of dollars in products. They have in-house monitors that allows users to have access to lightning fast monitors for a plethora sites so that they never miss a restock. Paired with this they offer comprehensive release guides and 24/7 support, their guides make sure that it is easy for users to purchase every profitable product that is released. Their support staff is also available 24/7 tom help with any miscellaneous issues that may arise.

Pricing: $100 and $40 a month thereafter
Website: LexAIO